
Identify and learn about the incredible marine life we encounter on our trips.

The island of Conillera or Conejera is a beautiful and secluded spot that is part of the Natural Reserve of Es Vedrá, Es Vedranell and the western islands or islas de Poniente. 

Conillera island and its stunning surroundings is also where we drop anchor daily between May and October for our Family boat trip. It is for us a home at sea, a place of peace, beauty and silence. It is here that we share the secrets of the inhabitants of the sea with children and adults eager to discover the underwater world during our Family boat trip. 

Neptune Grass

Neptune grass is an aquatic plant with roots, trunk, leaves, flowers and fruit. It is endemic to the Mediterranean and is found it in well-lit areas up to 80 meters deep.

Ornate Wrasse

Ornate wrasse are found on the sea floor and in Neptune grass meadows. Females have blue stripes on their backs, whilst males have dark red heads with green lines.


Octopuses are masters of disguise and often hide amongst the craggy rocks of the sea floor. They are highly intelligent and live complex emotional lives.

Species of Ibiza

Fish Species

1. Scientific name: Coris julis / Common name: Rainbow wrasse

2. Scientific name: Serranus scriba / Common name: Painted comber

3. Scientific name: Symphodus rostratus / Common name: Long-snouted wrasse

4. Scientific name: Anthias anthias / Common name: Swallowtail seaperch

5. Scientific name: Apogon imberbis / Common name: Cardinal fish

6. Scientific name: Symphodus tinca / Common name: Peacock wrasse

7. Scientific name: Mullus surmuletus / Common name: Striped red mullet

8. Scientific name: Parablennius gattorugine / Common name: Tompot blenny

9. Scientific name: Parablennius pilicornis / Common name: Ringneck blenny

10. Scientific name: Gobius bucchichi / Common name: Red-mouthed goby

11. Scientific name: Chromis chromis / Common name: Damselfish

12. Scientific name: Boops boops / Common name: Bogue

13. Scientific name: Thalassoma pavo / Common name: Ornate wrasse

14. Scientific name: Sparus aurata / Common name: Gilthead seabream

15. Scientific name: Spicara maena / Common name: Blotched picarel

16. Scientific name: Spondyliosoma cantharus / Common name: Black seabream

17. Scientific name: Chelon labrosus / Common name: Thicklip grey mullet

18. Scientific name: Xyrichtys novacula / Common name: Cleaver wrasse

19. Scientific name: Labrus merula / Common name: Brown wrasse

20. Scientific name: Labrus viridis / Common name: Green wrasse

21. Scientific name: Diplodus vulgaris / Common name: Two-banded seabream

22. Scientific name: Diplodus annularis / Common name: Annular seabream

23. Scientific name: Diplodus puntazzo / Common name: Sharpsnout seabream

24. Scientific name: Diplodus sargus / Common name: White seabream

25. Scientific name: Sciaena umbra / Common name: Brown meagre

26. Scientific name: Scorpaena maderensis / Common name: madeira rockfish

27. Scientific name: Scorpaena porcus / Common name: Black scorpionfish

28. Scientific name: Scorpaena scofra / Common name: Red scorpionfish

29. Scientific name: Oblada melanura / Common name: Saddled seabream

30. Scientific name: Pagellus erythrinus / Common name: Common pandora

31. Scientific name: Pagrus pagrus / Common name: Common seabream

32. Scientific name: Epinephelus marginatus / Common name: Dusky grouper

33. Scientific name: Epinephelus costae / Common name: Golden grouper

34. Scientific name: Sphyraena viridensis / Common name: Great barracuda

35. Scientific name: Belone belone / Common name: Garfish

36. Scientific name: Mycteroperca rubra / Common name: Mottled grouper

37. Scientific name: Seriola dumerili / Common name: Greater amberjack

38. Scientific name: Dentex dentex / Common name: Common dentex

39. Scientific name: Dactylopterus volitans / Common name: Flying gurnard

40. Scientific name: Phycis phycis / Common name: Forkbeard

41. Scientific name: Balistes capriscus / Common name: Grey triggerfish

42. Scientific name: Zeus faber / Common name: John dory

43. Scientific name: Bothus podas / Common name: Wide-eyed flounder

44. Scientific name: Hippocampus hippocampus / Common name: Seahorse

45. Scientific name: Dasyatis pastinaca / Common name: Common stingray

46. Scientific name: Conger conger / Common name: Conger eel

47. Scientific name: Muraena helena / Common name: Moray eel

48. Scientific name: Mola mola / Common name: Sunfish

49. Scientific name: Raja clavata / Common name: Thornback ray

50. Scientific name: Coryphaena hippurus / Common name: Common dolphinphish

51. Scientific name: Prionace glauca / Common name: Blue shark

52. Scientific name: Cethorinus maximus / Common name: Basking shark

Marine mammals

53. Scientific name: Stenella coeruleoalba / Striped dolphin

54. Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus / Bottlenose dolphin 


55. Scientific name: Caretta caretta / Loggerhead turtle

Invertebrates - Molluscs

56. Scientific name: Hexaplex trunculus / Common name: Banded murex

57. Scientific name: Stramonita haemastoma / Common name: Red-mouthed rock shell

58. Scientific name: Luria lurida / Common name: Gray cowry

59. Scientific name: Phorcus turbinatus / Common name: Sea snail

60. Scientific name: Bolma rugosa / Common name: Turban snail

61. Scientific name: Columbella rustica / Common name: Rustic dove shell

62. Scientific name: Cerithium vulgatum / Common name: Common cerithe

63. Scientific name: Haliotis tuberculata / Common name: Abalone

64. Scientific name: Spondylus gaedoropus / Common name: Thorny oyster

65. Scientific name: Arca noae / Common name: Noah´s ark shell

66. Scientific name: Patella caerulea / Common name: Mediterranean limpet

67. Scientific name: Lithopaga lithopaga / Common name: Date shell

68. Scientific name: Pinna nobilis / Common name: Noble pen shell

69. Scientific name: Sepia officinalis / Common name: Common cuttlefish

70. Scientific name: Loligo vulgaris / Common name: Common squid

71. Scientific name: Octopus vulgaris / Common name: Common octopus

72. Scientific name: Peltodoris atromaculata / Common name: Dotted sea-slug

73. Scientific name: Felimare picta / Common name: Giant doris

74. Scientific name: Felimida krohni / Common name: Krohn´s sea slug

75. Scientific name: Flabellina affinis / Common name: Pink flabellina

76. Scientific name: Aplysia punctata / Common name: Spotted Sea hare

77. Scientific name: Cratena peregrina / Common name: Pilgrim hervia

Invertebrates - Crustaceans

78. Scientific name: Eriphia verrucosa / Common name: Yellow round crab

79. Scientific name: Maja crispata / Common name: Spider crab

80. Scientific name: Pachygrapsus marmoratus / Common name: marbled crab

81. Scientific name: Dardanus calidus / Common name: Red hermit crab

82. Scientific name: Scyllarus arctus / Common name: European locust lobster

83. Scientific name: Scyllarus arctus / Common name: Spiny lobster

84. Scientific name: Scyllarides latus / Common name: Mediterranean slipper lobster

85. Scientific name: Palaemon elegans / Common name: Rockpool shrimp

Invertebrates - Sea urchins and stars

100. Scientific name: Spharaechinus granularis / Common name: Violet Sea urchin

101. Scientific name: Paracentrotus lividus / Common name: Rock Sea urchin

102. Scientific name: Echinocyamus pusillus / Common name: Pea urchin

103. Scientific name: Centrostephanus longispinus / Common name: Needle spined urchin

104. Scientific name: Arbacia lixula / Common name: Black Sea urchin

105. Scientific name: Holothuria tubulosa / Common name: cotton spinner, sea cucumber

106. Scientific name: Astropecten aranciacus / Common name: Red comb star

107. Scientific name: Echinaster sepositus / Common name: Red starfish

108. Scientific name: Ophidiaster ophidianus / Common name: Purple starfish

109. Scientific name: Ophitiothrix fragilis / Common name: Common brittle star

110. Scientific name: Antedon mediterranea / Common name: Feather star

111. Scientific name: Asterina gibbosa / Common name: Starlet cushion star

Sea sponges

112. Scientific name: Chondrosia reniformis / Common name: Kidney sponge

113. Scientific name: Sarcotragus spinosolus / Common name: Black leather sponge

114. Scientific name: Crambe crambe / Common name: Orange-red encrusting sponge, Oyster sponge

115. Scientific name: Spongia officinalis / Common name: Bath sponge

116. Scientific name: Axinella damicornis / Common name: Crumpled duster sponge, yellow sponge


117. Scientific name: Corallina elongata / Common name:

118. Scientific name: Asparagopsis taxiformis / Common name: Red Sea plume

119. Scientific name: Lophocladia iallamendii / Common name:

120. Scientific name: Padina pavonica / Common name: Peacock´s tail

121. Scientific name: Cystoseira balearica / Common name:

122. Scientific name: Lithophyllum stictaeforme / Common name:

123. Scientific name: Halymenia floresii / Common name:

124. Scientific name: Lithothamnion coralloides / Common name:

125. Scientific name: Halimeda tuna / Common name: Cactus algae

126. Scientific name: Flabellia petiolata / Common name:

127. Scientific name: Caulerpa cylindracea / Common name:

128. Scientific name: Codium bursa / Common name: Green sponge ball

129. Scientific name: Caulerpa prolifera / Common name:

130. Scientific name: Acetabularia acetabulum / Common name:

Sea plants

131. Scientific name: Posidonia oceanica / Common name: Neptune grass


132. Scientific name: Hermodice carunculata / Common name: Bearded fireworm

133. Scientific name: Myriapora truncata / Common name: False coral

134. Scientific name: Smittina Cervicornis / Common name: Staghorn rose coral

135. Scientific name: Serpula vermicularis / Common name: Red tubeworm

136. Scientific name: Sabella spallanzanii / Common name: Feather duster worm, Mediterranean fan worm

137. Scientific name: Reteporella grimaldii / Common name: Neptune´s lace

138.Scientific name: Velella velella / Common name: By-the-wind-sailor

139. Scientific name: Halocynthia papillosa / Common name: Red sea-squirt

140. Scientific name: Clavelina lepadiformis / Common name: light-bulb sea squirt

141. Scientific name: Salpa maxima / Common name: Big salp

142. Scientific name: Bonella viridis / Common name: Green spoon worm


143. Scientific name: Calonectris diomedea / Common name: Scopoli´s shearwater

144. Scientific name: Falco eleonorae / Common name: Eleonora´s Falcon

145. Scientific name: Puffinus mauretanicus / Common name: Balearic shearwater

146. Scientific name: Larus michahellis / Common name: Yellow-legged gull

147. Scientific name: Phalacrocorax aristotelis / Common name: Cormorant

148. Scientific name: Larus audouinii / Common name: Audouin´s gull

We want to thank the GOIB or Government of the Balearic Islands, who, through its Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca (Council for the Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries) and with the cooperation of the Ajuntament de Sant Josep de sa Talaia ( Town hall of Sant Josep de sa Talaia) compiled the guide “Les especies marines de les reserves naturals des Vedra, es Vedranell I els illots de Ponent”.

The above listed species are a fair and accurate representation of the rich biodiversity that we are fortunate to enjoy in Ibiza.